Gato revolves around an urban, edgy concept that pushes the boundaries of the "Castizo" identity to new heights. We are creating a dynamic and avant-garde brand that serves as a meeting point for artists, food enthusiasts, and youthful individuals on an international scale. Drawing inspiration from Spain's iconic anti-napkin tradition, our brand embodies cultural symbolism while infusing it with contemporary flair. Through innovative branding strategies, we aim to capture the essence of diversity and creativity, establishing our brand as a symbol of vibrant urban culture and artistic expression
Gato revolves around an urban, edgy concept that pushes the boundaries of the "Castizo" identity to new heights. We are creating a dynamic and avant-garde brand that serves as a meeting point for artists, food enthusiasts, and youthful individuals on an international scale. Drawing inspiration from Spain's iconic anti-napkin tradition, our brand embodies cultural symbolism while infusing it with contemporary flair. Through innovative branding strategies, we aim to capture the essence of diversity and creativity, establishing our brand as a symbol of vibrant urban culture and artistic expression